Tuesday, October 26, 2010

LabTest#2: Revised Solution -- Section 5 -- Class: Tile

public class Tile 
 private Monster[] monsters;
 private int size;
 public Tile()
  monsters = new Monster[100];
  size = 0;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 public void setSize(int s)
  this.size = s;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 public int getSize()
  return this.size;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 public void addTheMonster(Monster m)
  monsters[size] = m;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 public void deleteTheMonster(Monster m)
  int index;
  // If match found then delete
  if((index = this.contains(m)) >= 0)
   for(int i = index; i < this.getSize() - 1; i++)
    // The shift after deletion
    monsters[i] = monsters[i+1];
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 public int contains(Monster m)
  int match_index = -1;
  for(int i=0; i < this.getSize(); i++)
   if(monsters[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(m.getName()) && monsters[i].getMonsterType() == m.getMonsterType())
    match_index = i;
  return match_index;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 // returns the array of monsters at the particular tile
 public Monster[] getMonsters()
  return monsters;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 // set the array of monsters for a particular tile
 public void setMonsters(Monster[] m)
  this.monsters = m;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 // Checks to see if this CHANNEL contains anyone of Monster.MonsterType monsType
 public boolean contains(Monster.MonsterType monsType)
  boolean returnValue = false;
  for(int i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++)
   if(monsters[i].getMonsterType() == monsType)
    returnValue = true;
  return returnValue;
 /* ******************************************************************* */
 public String toString()
  String str = "";
  if(this.getSize() > 0)
   for(int i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++)
    str += String.format("Cell[%d]: %s %n",i, monsters[i]);
  return str;
 /* ******************************************************************* */


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