Tuesday, October 26, 2010

LabTest#2: Revised Solution -- Section 6 -- Class: Shopping Cart

public class ShoppingCart 
 public Item[] theItems;
 public int item_count;
 public int TotalPrice;
 public ShoppingCart()
  theItems = new Item[1000];
  item_count = 0;
  TotalPrice = 0;
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 // Setters and Getters
 public int getItemCount()
  return item_count;
 public void setItemCount(int ic)
  item_count = ic;
 public void setTotalPrice(int t)
  this.TotalPrice = t;
 public int getTotalPrice()
  return TotalPrice;
 public void setTheItems(Item[] t)
  this.theItems = t;
 public Item[] getTheItems()
  return theItems;
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 public void addItems(Item anItem)
  theItems[item_count] = anItem;
  System.out.println("Item Added:" + anItem); 
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 public boolean removeItem(Item e)
  boolean returnValue = false;
  int matched_item;
  if((matched_item = this.contains(e)) >= 0)
   for(int i = matched_item; i < item_count - 1; i++)
    theItems[i] = theItems[i+1];
   this.setTotalPrice(this.getTotalPrice() - e.getPrice());
   returnValue = true;
  if(returnValue == false)
   System.out.println("Item not found");
   System.out.println("Item Removed:" + e); 
  return returnValue;
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 public int contains(Item e)
  int item_match = -1;
  for(int j = 0; j < this.getItemCount(); j++)
   if(theItems[j].getName().equals(e.getName()) && theItems[j].getPrice() == e.getPrice())
    item_match = j;
  return item_match;
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 public int calculateTotalPrice()
  for(int i = 0 ; i < this.getItemCount(); i++)
   TotalPrice += theItems[i].getPrice();
  return this.getTotalPrice();
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 public void clear()
  for(int j = 0; j < this.getItemCount(); j++)
   theItems[j] = new Item("", 0);
  // Create an empty array of Item type : Item[]
  Item[] freshEmptyItems = new Item[1000];
  // Set theItems to this freshEmptyItems
  System.out.println("Cart Cleared");
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */
 public String toString()
  boolean encountered_before;
  int the_item_count;
  String str = "";
  for(int i = 0; i < this.getItemCount(); i++)
   encountered_before = false;
   // Check to see if encountered before
   for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
     encountered_before = true;
   // if not encountered before then calculate its count
   if(encountered_before == false)
    // calculate the item_counts of each item 
    the_item_count = 1;
    for(int k = i+1; k < this.getItemCount(); k++)
    // display
    //System.out.println("Quantity = " + the_item_count + " " + theItems[i].getName());
    //str += "Quantity = " + the_item_count + " " + theItems[i].getName() + "\n";
    str += String.format("Quantity = %d %s %n", the_item_count, theItems[i].getName());
  return str;
 /* ****************************************************************************************** */


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