Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lab 22

Question 8 on Page 850.


here is the code of class Spices .

import java.util.Scanner;

 Class for data on endangered species.
public class Species
    private String name;
    private int population;
    private double growthRate;

    public void readInput( )
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("What is the species' name?");
        name = keyboard.nextLine( );

                      "What is the population of the species?");
        population = keyboard.nextInt( );
        while (population < 0)
            System.out.println("Population cannot be negative.");
            System.out.println("Reenter population:");
            population = keyboard.nextInt( );

        System.out.println("Enter growth rate (% increase per year):");
       growthRate = keyboard.nextDouble( );

    public void writeOutput( )
         System.out.println("Name = " + name);
         System.out.println("Population = " + population);
         System.out.println("Growth rate = " + growthRate + "%");

     Precondition: years is a nonnegative number.
     Returns the projected population of the calling object
     after the specified number of years.
    public int predictPopulation(int years)
  int result = 0;
        double populationAmount = population;
        int count = years;
        while ((count > 0) && (populationAmount > 0))
            populationAmount = (populationAmount +
                          (growthRate / 100) * populationAmount);
        if (populationAmount > 0)
            result = (int)populationAmount;
        return result;

    public void setSpecies(String newName, int newPopulation,
                           double newGrowthRate)
        name = newName;
        if (newPopulation >= 0)
            population = newPopulation;
            System.out.println("ERROR: using a negative population.");
        growthRate = newGrowthRate;

    public String getName( )
        return name;

    public int getPopulation( )
        return population;

    public double getGrowthRate( )
        return growthRate;

    public boolean equals(Species otherObject)
        return (name.equalsIgnoreCase( &&
               (population == otherObject.population) &&
               (growthRate == otherObject.growthRate);

Here is the code from Listing 12.5 on Page 821.

public class StringLinkedListSelfContained
    private ListNode head;

    public StringLinkedListSelf( )
        head = null;

     Displays the data on the list.
    public void showList( )
        ListNode position = head;
        while (position != null)
            position =;

     Returns the number of nodes on the list.
    public int length( )
        int count = 0;
        ListNode position = head;
        while (position != null)
            position =;
        return count;

     Adds a node containing the data addData at the 
     start of the list.
    public void addANodeToStart(String addData)
        head = new ListNode(addData, head);

     Deletes the first node on the list.
    public void deleteHeadNode( )
        if (head != null)
            head =;
            System.out.println("Deleting from an empty list.");

     Sees whether target is on the list.
    public boolean onList(String target)
        return find(target) != null;

    // Returns a reference to the first node containing the
    // target data. If target is not on the list, returns null.
 private ListNode find(String target)
  boolean found = false;
        ListNode position = head;
        while ((position != null) && !found)
            String dataAtPosition =;
            if (dataAtPosition.equals(target))
    found = true;
    position =;

        return position;

    public String[] toArray( )
        String[] anArray = new String[length( )];

        ListNode position = head;
        int i = 0;
        while (position != null)
            anArray[i] =;
            position =;

        return anArray;

    private class ListNode
        private String   data;
        private ListNode link;
        public ListNode( )
            link = null;
            data = null;
        public ListNode(String newData, ListNode linkValue)
            data = newData;
            link = linkValue;


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