Monday, February 27, 2012

Homework 7: Camelot

The Thing class hierarchy.
For this thy sixth homework, which does appear after the fifth but before the seventh, you shall implement the simple game of Camelot. Camelot, you see, is a silly place where peasants pathetically move about insisting they are not dead yet while brave knights honor thy King by slashing them to bits.

You will implement the classes shown in in the figure, along with a Game class which holds the board description. The specific methods that each class will implement are explained in detail in the Javadoc documents for Camelot (which you must read and follow). Notice that the documentation tells you exactly which methods and which properties you need to implement for every class. The Animated class has a protected enum Direction {N,S,E,W}; which shows up as Animated.Direction in the javadocs.

The program will have a main in the Game class which looks like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    Game g = new Game();
    g.add(new Sword(3,3));
    User user = new User(1,4);
    g.add(new Knight(5,5));
    g.add(new Peasant(9,5));
    g.add(new Peasant(6,7));
    g.add(new Peasant(4,8));
    g.add(new Peasant(7,2));
    g.add(new Peasant(3,5));
    String command = "";
    do {
      System.out.println(g); //print out the game board
      System.out.print("Your move:");
      command =;
      user.move(command); //move the user
      g.moveAll(); //move everyone
      g.resolveConflicts(); //resolve any conflicts between those in the same row,col
    } while (user.isAlive());
A sample run of the program looks like:

Your move:south
Knight moves S
Peasant moves E
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.

Your move:west
Knight moves W
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves E
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves N
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.

Your move:south
Knight moves W
Peasant moves N
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves E
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves E
Peasant too weak to move.
User picks up Sword

Your move:east
Knight moves W
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves E
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves W
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.

Your move:east
Knight moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves W
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Bloodthristy Knight kills a P

Your move:south
Knight moves W
Peasant moves W
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves W
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves N
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.

Your move:quit
Knight moves W
Peasant moves E
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant moves S
Peasant too weak to move.
Peasant too weak to move.

Basically, the user tells the User how to move (N,S,E,W). The knights move randomly (one of N,S,E,W) on each turn. The peasants flip a coin, if heads they stay put otherwise they move randomly (one ofN,S,E,W). The world is 10 by 10 and wraps around.

The resolveconflicts method is described in the javadocs. It goes over every Thing. If there is another Thing in the same row,col position then, if the Thing is a Knight it kills (removes) any Thing else there. If it is the user then if it finds the sword there it picks it up (thus killing it) and it is it a peasant it kills it.

I recommend you implement this program in the following order:
  1. The Thing hierarchy, start at the top and work your way down. Start with the properties, then the toString() methods, then the move() methods.
  2. The Game class, its properties and constructor.
  3. Game.toString(), test it.
  4. Game.add()
  5. Game.remove()
  6. Game.thingsAt()
  7. Game.moveAll(): this should just call move() on every thing.
  8. Finally, Game.removeConflicts()
This homework is due on Monday, March 12 @noon. Camelot, it is a silly place.


jmvidal said...

Why a sword? Well, initially I was going to make it so that the user must pick the sword and only then can he kill the knight, but I decided against it as it might prove too much coding for some.

But, if you feel up to it, go ahead and implement support for the user with a sword to kill the knight.

jmvidal said...

The Animated class has an enum called Direction, with values N, S, E, W. The Direction shows up as a class in the javadocs. It is not.

jmvidal said...

If you click thru to it

You can see that it is an enum.

jmvidal said...

I describe the various resolveConflicts scenarios above. In all other scenarios, nothing happens.

Anonymous said...

So Animated.Direction is not a separate class, Direction is just the enum within Animated?

jmvidal said...

Yes, Direction is just an enum within Animated.

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks. Also, do our methods need to be arranged exactly as they are in the Javadocs, like what class they are in, what they're called, how they work? Or can we use ways that are a little easier for us?

jmvidal said...

As the homework says "The specific methods that each class will implement are explained in detail in the Javadoc documents", in other words, you have to implement the methods as they are described in the Javadocs, that is the homework. Of course, you can always implement other methods if you want (HINT: you don't need to).

Anonymous said...

Cool, and last question: can main be changed at all or do we need to leave it exactly as we received it?

jmvidal said...

Yes, you can change main() if you want, just make sure that when we run it, it runs as described.

Anonymous said...

Ok that helps a lot, i'm just a little bit confused about Animated.Direction's purpose. But i'm working on it.